Dating the Intelligent Pig

This could be your big date. Thu 30 June 2022

Mirror, mirror on the wall.

It's photo-shopped of course.

Just like history.

And just like history, it's offering you a date.

Twists in the Tale of the Serpent Mound, shows how Britain's six known serpent mounds were first recorded only after 1754. Because Britain's Christian authorities hadn't noticed the country's serpent mounds before the middle of the 18th century.

Despite having waged a 1,700 year recruitment campaign for pagan hearts and minds.

All other known 'ancient' serpent mounds - in America and elsewhere - were also first recorded during or after the 18th century. Along with many other artifacts.

From Counterfeit Antiquities, The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, Fourth Series, Vol. 8, No. 73/74 (Jan. - Apr., 1888), pp. 343-344:

In America the utmost care has to be exercised in order not to be deceived by "bogus" relics. In Mexico there is a great deal more sham Aztec pottery and other "curios" sold than there is of genuine antiquities. The foreign demand for "American antiquities" is now so great, that one manufacturer concentrates his attention on "mound builders' pipes." A large business is done in hematite axes and gorgets cut from blue slate.

From all parts of the world comes the same tale. Ingenious knaves are everywhere sedulously devoting their talents to the fabrication of ancient implements.

Christianity was allegedly preserved by monkish Irish scribes through the Dark Ages and Middle Ages. Yet Ireland's most distinctive 'chapel' evaded curious writers until 1756.

From Gallarus Oratory:

The distinctive upturned-boat shape of the Gallarus Oratory first attracted the attention of antiquarians in the mid-eighteenth century. 1

The Oratory maintained religio-silence. Source: Gallarus Oratory

Just like English crosses.

From Old Cornish Crosses, Arthur G Langdon, 1896:

many crosses had been discovered subsequent to the publication of his book (meaning J. T. Blight's 1858 Ancient Crosses and Antiquities of Cornwall).

These localities had not, to my knowledge, been previously explored, and our investigations resulted in the acquisition of many valuable examples hitherto unillustrated.

Why didn't their builders and owners - England's Christian authorities - record where their crosses were?

Other 'old' British features appear new when they were first documented. New, that is , In the 18th century.

See Fingerprints of the Clean Up Team - Part Two.

And Stonehenge:

Source: Sunday Site Visit 34: Stonehenge

Many 'ancient' ruins looked young - broken but young - when first recorded. See Newport: The Not So Old Port and the 'ancient' rock tombs at St Patrick's Chapel, Heysham, in Lancashire.

St Patrick's rock tombs when they were 800 years old:

St Patrick's rock tombs around 1820. Source: Robert Hall Prints.

St Patrick's rock tombs when they were 1,000 years old:

What a difference 200 years makes. Source: St. Peter's Church & St. Patrick's Chapel, Lancashire

Considerably more difference than 800 years, evidently.

Britain's national mapping agency - the Ordnance Survey - was also founded in the 18th century. In 1745. A purely coincidental nine years before Britain's first 'ancient' serpent mound and many of Britain's physical remains were first recorded.

Such as the 1742 're-discovery' of Royston Cave in Hertfordshire. Which actually marks the cave's transformation from a gas production plant into an enigmatic medieval artifact suitable for entertaining the curiousity of post-Modern human minds.

And the enigma of 'ancient' hill-figures.

From The Ancient Hill-Figures of England:

However, most English, and both Scottish, hill figures date from the eighteenth century, or later, and so do not come into the category of ancient

While England's hill figures that are 'ancient' were only recorded when they were 're-cut' late in the 17th century or after:

Cerne Abbas Giant: first recorded in 1694. Source: Hill Figure

From Cerne Abbas Giant:

His presence is first recorded in 1694 in the accounts of the churchwarden of St. Mary's Church in Cerne Abbas, which records that 3 shillings were paid for "repairing ye Giant."

In 1774, Rev. John Hutchins claimed the Giant was created by Lord Denzil Holles, the owner of the hill from 1642 to 1666, to satirize the puritanical rule of Oliver Cromwell.

Long Man of Wilmington: first recorded in 1710. Source: Hill Figure

From Hill Figure:

The earliest record was made by the surveyor John Rowley in the year 1710.

Westbury White Horse: first recorded in 1772. Source: Hill Figure

From Hill Figure:

There is, however, no documentation or other evidence for the existence of a chalk horse at Westbury before 1772.

A likely fake medieval Welsh book suggests the Uffington white horse was known by the 15th century. But many 18th century antiquarians thought it was only a century old - if that.

Similarly, England's 'ancient' long distance trackways were fabricated in the 18th century.

From North-Herts: Circular walk:

some stretches were not given the name [Icknield Way] until the eighteenth century, when antiquaries first started to look for its route.

it seems not to have existed until the eighteenth century, when minor farm tracks were ‘added’ to make it a long-distance route.

Britain's 18th century 'Age of Discovery' is so striking, even academics dare point to it. See Rosemary Sweet's 2004 Antiquaries: The Discovery of the Past in Eighteenth-Century Britain.

From her Antiquaries and Antiquities in Eighteenth-Century England, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2001:

It was antiquarianism that provided the raw material from which the narratives of history could be fashioned.

Eighteenth century discoveries of 'antiques' sparked disbelief among Britain's own residents. One example being controversies about 'antique' coins. In 1741, Royston Cave antiquarian Rev George North got involved in a dispute about antique coin forging. Diarist John Byng hints Matthew Boulton's Soho Mint was minting 'antique' coins in Birmingham.

What does seem to be true is that shortly before the Ordnance Survey was founded, the Reformation had delivered more physical destruction and depopulation than orthodox British history will admit.


And why in the mid-18th century?

Because a new product was being launched. A product that needed a back-story. A product smart enough to require physical evidence to convince it of its back-story.

Two more 18th century mysteries are the 'Anatomical Machines' preserved in the crypt of Sansevero Chapel, Naples:

I, Robot. Source: Incredible Anatomical Human Machines – Two Fleshless Bodies Mystery

From Two Fleshless Bodies Mystery:

Still today, after about two-and-a-half centuries, it remains a mystery what procedures and/or materials were used to obtain such exceptional preservation of the circulatory system.

The 'Machines' were made by the doctor Giuseppe Salerno, an anatomist from Palermo, Italy under the direction of Raimondo di Sangro, Prince of Sansevero (1710-1771)

Read the link. Or this. Or this.

It reads as though Raimondo's product team prototyped a new circulatory system on three humans - a male, a female, and a fetus.

In the middle of the 18th century.

Or see the advanced trepanning in Experiments With Human Consciousness.

Another case of mysteriously vanished anatomical skill is this dissection of the human nervous system.

Meet 'Harriet':

Harriet was a black woman in a white man's world. Source: Past Medical History

Dating Harriet is a problem.

The Mystery of 'Harriet Cole' fleshes out the 'Harriet Cole' mystery in a long, earnest essay on the problems of black slavery and male participation in medicine and reproduction.

But its details of the actual dissection come down to just a few, alleged, facts:

  • The host wasn't called 'Harriet' or 'Harriet Cole'.
  • The host of this nervous system was sourced from a vat of disinfectant. The provenance of both host and vat are unknown.
  • Lone doctor - and priest look-alike - 'Rufus Weaver' collected bodies and body parts from the south eastern USA. And also - apparently - from Europe.
  • Weaver never described how he extracted the host's nervous system.
  • Teams of people working with modern equipment can only poorly replicate Weaver's alleged feat.
  • The nervous system was displayed at exhibitions alongside other body parts amid commentary that sounds suspiciously like a product launch for vat-grown meat:

From The Mystery of 'Harriet Cole':

“Here is a lung,” the reporter quoted him saying. “Isn’t that the handsomest thing that you ever saw?”

The weird DNA behind human intelligence and their unnaturally well-cooled brains has also caught the attention of geneticists.

Geneticists who only recently realised how easy genetic modification is - with the right elixir.

But hey, who could brew simple DNA-modifying elixirs 300 years ago?

News is fiction. Fiction is news. Source: The Witcher

The audio isn't clear. He says 'Mages' - as in 'The Magi' - then 'Witchers'.

Witcher = witch = wicca = vicar. Which explains why Reverend Revenants Rewrote the Romans and the romantic rewriting of English history.

In addition to the 18th century appearance of 'old' physical artifacts...

And in addition to the 18th century's appearance of - then disappearance of - anomalous anatomical skills, other clues to humanity's recent origin are hiding in linguistics and abrupt social change.

'Society' is the English word for:

a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory

Phonetically: /sʊsaɪətiː/.

'Society' comes from the Latin stem: 'Sus'.

Phonetically: /ˈsuːs/.

'Sus' being Latin for 'of the pig family'.

Linguistically-speaking, society is of the pig family.

Is this just a linguistic coincidence?


'Sus' - and hence 'society' - both come from the classical Latin word for meat market: 'sokius'.

Many traces of sokius remain.

English market districts were called 'sokes'. Like the 'Soke of Peterborough' and the 'Soke of Winchester'. 2

All that remains of one of the larger sokes - the Soke of Folkingham in Lincolnshire - is a village with a town-sized high street.

From Folkingham - Wikipedia:

The settlement is centred on a large Market Place, positioned between a church on high land to the NW and a former baronial castle

The Market Place, West Street and Sleaford Road were lined with houses, farms, shops and inns/public houses and this whole area was remodelled in the late 18th century by the Heathcote Family of Normanton (Rutland) who bought the manor in 1788.

"...was remodelled in the late 18th century" is more than a dating clue. It's a magnificent understatement.

Many of the Soke of Folkingham's 23 "dependent territories" coincide with the southern stretch of enigmatically destroyed 'monastic houses' marked in yellow in On the Level About Lincolnshire - Part Three.

It's also worth reading Wikipedia's 'Soke of Peterborough' to see that administering a soke was largely about who had the right to assess, slaughter and dispose of 'suspects'.

There were once many more sokes around England.

There still are around the Mediterranean.

In Rome's former colonies 'sokius' shows up as 'souk' and 'souq'. It means 'market'.

Countries that still use 'souk' for 'market' tend also to have strong taboos against eating pig.

That correlation is not an accident. Nor is it religious. It reflects fears of prion disease, of Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD). A disease that cannot be cooked, heat-seared or sanitised away. Only abstinence prevents it. Abstinence maintained by taboo.

Two more clues lie in Britain's abrupt 18th century shift from a society of markets to a market economy.

Describing a visit to a fair (a rural market) near Sandy, Bedfordshire, The Torrington Diaries author John Byng says he first met up with a butcher friend - 'a knight', he writes, from 'old times'. Byng then described the produce he saw for sale.

From The Torrington Diaries - A Tour In The Midlands, 1789, John Byng, p145, dated 1789-06-01:

There were many Pharoahs lean kine (sic) and some nags with several Slight-of-hand Men, and a Learned Pig ; for since the first of these learned grunting-Gentry, that was so much admired, the Piggish Race have improved amazingly in wisdom ; and disperse their knowledge over the Kingdom at the very cheap rate of One Penny per Head.

A penny for your thoughts. Source: Incredible Anatomical Human Machines

Byng's diary entry is from 1 June, 1789 - some years after Palermo's inexplicable 18th century dissections. He is telling us Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) had arrived. And the customers were delighted.

But, just as today, smart slaves had already been tested in the factory.

A controversial aspect of Britain's First Industrial Revolution - starting about 40 years before Byng's Bedfordshire market - was its reliance on children:

Early AI was entrained with a work ethic. Source: Shadow Rome I

It took a lot of product failure and debugging to put AI in charge of Boulton's high-speed 'antique' coin presses. Which is why Britain's First Industrial Revolution started about the same time insane asylums were being built to collect and debug product failures.

What did the intervening 40 years of industrial-scale debugging and product refinement produce?

Powerful machinery that could operate with high-speed and precision. And AI reliable and flexible enough to control it.

From a Soho Mint sales flyer targeting french-speaking customers, here translated by The Powers of the Soho Mint:

In 1788 M. Boulton, Soho, England, made a steam machine for coining money, and in 1798 a superior one. Both machines can be worked by children with ease, and the speed increased to the degree required.

Perhaps the worldwide creation of fake antiquities starting in the first half of the 18th century was prompted by the discovery that new smart slaves went mad when they discovered gaps in their back-story. Employing them to produce exportable antiquities to support humanity's back-stories was inspired product management.

It also tells us the 18th century is humanity's most important date.

It marks our transition from meat to man. From 'sus' to 'society'.

© All rights reserved. The original author retains ownership and rights.

  1. How Old Is Gallarus Oratory? A Reappraisal of Its Role in Early Irish Architecture, Harbison, Peter, Medieval Archaeology 14 (1970): p34. 

  2. Orthodoxy says 'Soke' is Anglo Saxon, not Latin. But before they became 'Anglo', the Saxons were a late cultural fragment of the Roman Empire - the Holy Roman Empire. From On the Late Survival of a Celtic Population in East Anglia, Arthur Gray, 1910: "Anglo-Saxon craftsmanship owed something to ancient Rome, nothing to the Briton." The same goes for 'souk' - the arabic word for market owes more to the Roman than its does to the Briton. 

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