How the Past Was Hidden

How humans were induced to dismiss memories of daily life in the past. Sun 10 April 2022

Ghostly children from Lost Hearts Source

1. Rewrite remembered events as 'fictional' stories

Some of it was written up as ghost stories. So that later recollection could be explained away as "Ah yes, that ghost story by MR James..."

One technique seems to have been to take eyewitness accounts and local memories and re-write them as ghost stories or folklore. Three examples:

  1. 1889 Walter Rye's account of Cromer church's ghostly rising baby:

  2. Cromer Ghost Baby version 1

  3. Cromer Ghost Baby version 2

  4. Montagu Rhodes James' Lost Hearts from Ghost Stories of an Antiquary

Bloodsucked ghost children from MR James' Lost Hearts. Source

Which was set - appropriately enough - at Aswarby Hall, Sleaford, Lincolnshire.

Source: Lost Hearts, 1973 TV production

  1. Havelock the Dane. Grimsby's founding tale involves children being given to rich people, two having their throats slit and one being set adrift on the sea.

    Folklore about the Ghostly Hunt may be another example of this technique.

2. Rewrite frequent events as one-off events
3. Rewrite large-scale events as smaller-scale events
4. Rewrite events occurring in England as events occurring abroad:
5. Re-date events further back in the past (by mistake or on purpose)

There's so much evidence for this. One easy read that suggests this happened accidentally

  • George Cornewall Lewis - questioned the dating of Roman empire
  • Anatoly Fomenko - found evidence ancient history was fabricated by repeating recent history and changing names and locations
  • Isaac Newton - questioned

This technique leaves a recognisable fingerprint. Over-used, the technique leaves fingerprints that are hard to erase.

6. Fictitious people
7. Forge documents

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