Take the Saxons With a Pinch of Salt

King Cerdic of Wessex - first in a long line of faked Saxon kings. Tue 22 March 2022

King Cerdic of Wessex, England's first Saxon king. A lie. Source: powerofforever

New to questioning history? Get started with orthodox historian Francis Pryor's take on the Anglo-Saxon narrative, forged history, and fake royalty:

First, there was no Saxon invasion:

English history is wrong. Source: Is The Anglo-Saxon Invasion Of England A Myth?

Second, English history is not "wrong"; it is made up:

A new, fake Britain and a fresh start for the Church. Source: Is The Anglo-Saxon Invasion Of England A Myth?

And boy did the Church need it. Along with "Royalty":

England's imagined Saxon aristocracy. Source: Is The Anglo-Saxon Invasion Of England A Myth?

Nor was Bede the only forger.

From Forgeries and Historical Writing in Medieval England, France, and Flanders:

Rewriting documents was especially common among monks, who exploited their mastery of writing to reshape their records.

Monastic scribes frequently rewrote their archives, using charters, letters, and narratives, to create new usable pasts for claiming lands and privileges

All clips taken from Francis Pryor's Chronicle: Is The Anglo-Saxon Invasion Of England A Myth?:

Source: Is The Anglo-Saxon Invasion Of England A Myth? | King Arthur's Britain | Chronicle

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