Greater Cambrae Serpent Mound, Scotland

So little information has big implications. Tue 08 February 2022

LIDAR view of one candidate location for Greater Cambrae's serpent mound. Source: Topographic-Map

Reportedly documented by John S Phene.

From A Brief History of Great Cumbrae:

According to local legend, St Mirin, the patron saint of Paisley, arrived in Cumbrae around 710 AD. After returning from Ireland, he followed the example of St Patrick, ridding the island of snakes. The Cathedral of the Isles is supposed to have been built on the site where St Mirin preached,

Images of the Cathedral of the Isles at the above link show it may have been built on a mound.

Britain's smallest cathedral. Source

This would be similar to how the Holme Hill end of Grimsby serpent mound was hidden beneath St Mary's church, Grimsby.

From A Brief History of Great Cumbrae:

The odd arrangement of the Cathedral of The Isles owes much to a slightly unusual history.


Candidate locations for Greater Cambrae serpent mound

Greater Cambrae serpent mound candidate location: (Google Maps), (Google Streetview), (OpenStreetMap), (NLS), (Flickr images)

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