Is Earth a Quarry?

Remote wildernesses show the very large fingerprints of quarrymen. Thu 12 May 2022

Curved, terraced Antartic mountain face. Source (Russian) English

Curved, terraced quarry face. Source (Russian) English

Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, England. Source

This Cheddar Gorge image is a from a page about Gough's Cave and its association with cannibals. For more British caves with cannibal associations, see How Do You Get AI to Think for Itself - Part Three.

Unexplained Skaraguta canyon, Sweden. Source

Local folklore says 20m deep Skaraguta canyon was inhabited by trolls.

Video clips:

Strange-shaped boulders explained. Source: Earth, The Giant, Ancient Mine

Unnatural caves. Source: Earth, The Giant, Ancient Mine

Terraced hills are the sides of quarries. Source: Earth, The Giant, Ancient Mine

Petra's vitrified walls cannot be rain erosion. Source: Earth, The Giant, Ancient Mine

Unnatural underground rivers. Source: Earth, The Giant, Ancient Mine

Metro Cavern, Zion National Park, Utah. Source:

The Metro Cavern complex is 10km long. Access to many parts is restricted. More details at

Spoil tips with molten cores. Is Earth a mine? Source: Earth, The Giant, Ancient Mine

Or is Earth a leisure park built in a former quarry?


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