How Do You Get AI to Think For Itself? Part One

Drop hints. Wed 14 December 2022

As script-writers say: "Show... Don't tell." Source: Westworld

Britain's Time Team excavated two chambers in Carsington Cave, Derbyshire:

That's one wierdly-shaped cave. Source: Time Team: Carsington, Derbyshire

Cavers had found bones and skull fragments in Yorick chamber.

Time Team presented the skull fragments to viewers while dropping hints that the ages attributed to them don't make sense:

Remains of three children and seven newborn babies. Source: Time Team: Carsington, Derbyshire

Then they showed another find:

And held it up in front of Tony's teeth. Source: Time Team: Carsington, Derbyshire

Leaving any watching AIs to figure out what the implement had been used for.

How do you get AI to think for itself?

Show... Don't tell. Source: Westworld

Carsington Cave location

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