Evidence of Managed Weather - Part Two

Laser-guided lightning shows weather control is easy. If you can afford the equipment. Sat 23 July 2022

Laser-guided lightning. Source: Teramobile

Laser scientists steer lightning using ultra-fast laser pulses.

Rocket scientists make rain:

"It will actually rain." Source: Top Gear NASA makes their own rain clouds from Hydrogen www.HHOFACTORY.com

And car makers prevent hail:

"Mercedes' solution? Just control the weather." Source: Mercedes kan kontrollera vädret

Event organisers stop snow:

From Making it Rain: The Science of Weather Manipulation:

China made headlines when authorities said they had cleared the skies by shooting salt-filled bullets into clouds ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

And sometimes make snow:

From Making it Rain: The Science of Weather Manipulation:

Private companies and state-sponsored groups have even used cloud seeding to drop fresh snow on ski mountains

You don't need a rocket engine to make rain:

Source: Scientists are making it rain in Abu Dhabi

Source: Cloud seeding: How the UAE gets creative to increase rainfall

Weather control isn't rocket science - you just need the right kit.


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