Tunnel Denial

They're not tunnels, just cellars. And they smell foul, say people who have been in them. Sun 30 May 2021

We're told Newark marketplace's 'cellars' are not tunnels. Source

At least, not according to the company Newark Council contracted to survey lines of subsidence in Newark's market square and surrounding roads.

Same on the west side of England.

From The Wormhole Caves, New Brighton:

the current writer frequently found himself up against a brick wall – sometimes literally – as he struggled to uncover the truth behind these rumours. Tunnels had been blocked up as soon as they were discovered; the publication of Mr Ruiz’s book apparently resulted in the blocking of all the Red Noses tunnel entrances; documents had mysteriously vanished from the reference sections of libraries whose staff were oddly brusque and unhelpful: finally, the writer was warned that all information on the subject had been suppressed by the local authority.

Whereas in the Czech Republic, Brno's marketplace tunnels are part of the tourism.

From Labyrinth under Vegetable Market, Brno:

The underground lies beneath Zelný trh, one of oldest squares in the city, and originally served for food keeping, beer brewing, maturing of wine in barrels, and other things.

They even make a feature of the underground wells so often rumoured and denied in British tunnel legends:

Source: Labyrinth under Vegetable Market, Brno

Brno: (Google Maps), (Google Streetview), (OpenStreetMap), (NLS), (Flickr images)

More English tunnel suppression links:

Location Denier Notes
Grantham Ruth Crook ‘Are there tunnels under Grantham?’ asks Civic Society’s Ruth Crook
Stamford Jill Collinge Who manages/trains Stamford Blue Badge Tours. One of whom told me rumours of tunnels under Stamford are "utter rubbish"
Stamford Martin Smith Acknowledges, then denies Stamford tunnels and quoted here
Chesterfield Philip Riden Watch these amazing finds by a Chesterfield town centre pub manager, Secret tunnels of Chesterfield are exposed by a historian, Legendary secret tunnels of Chesterfield divide opinion on Facebook “Why anyone ever imagined there would be a tunnel about two miles long from Walton Hall to the church I do not know,” "The most likely explanation is that the cellars of the present late 18th-century house on the site of Walton Hall extend further than the footprint of that house because they belong to the very much larger 16th-century mansion that stood on the same site, and so might look like the beginnings of a tunnel. The same might be true of cellars beneath 9 Beetwell Street."
Chesterfield Brian Crossland Legendary secret tunnels of Chesterfield divide opinion on Facebook: "Until I see conclusive evidence of one, not simply tales from pubs and folk who can't grasp that it isn't uncommon for old cellars to extend beyond the footprint of the building. I consider them a myth."
Chesterfield Anne-Marie Knowles Legendary secret tunnels of Chesterfield divide opinion on Facebook: "That not one tunnel has ever been discovered in Chesterfield in spite of excavation for archaeology, foundations for new buildings or roadworks, surely is evidence enough?"

Sample of English towns suffering tunnel denial.

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