Keene Serpent Mound, Ontario

A well-documented serpent mound now kept off limits. Tue 19 April 2022

Serpent Mounds Park, Keene, Ontario, Canada. Source

Publicly available information on this serpent mound is from Andrew King's book Serpentine - An Ancient Solstice Monument in Ontario and various papers/articles by Richard B Johnston listed below.

First recorded in 1896 by David Boyle.

Serpent Mound Park: (Google Maps), (Google Streetview), (OpenStreetMap), (Flickr images)

Map from Ottarewind. Source

Keene serpent mound was easy to find and measure. Source

Dimensions and some key features have been mapped. Source

As usual, its given an astronomical explanation. Source


Originally called Otonabee serpent mound. Source: The Megalithic Portal

View from egg mound down body to tail. Source: The Megalithic Portal

More information

Richard Johnston's series on Keene Serpent Mound in Peterborough Examiner: 1. A teacher, an archaeologist, and the Serpent 2. New Discoveries, New Insights 3. Serpent Mounds: Evidence in Ancient Artifacts 4. The Serpent Returns/Now the Serpent Lies Still

Head and tail positions are unknown but somewhere around here

© All rights reserved. The original author retains ownership and rights.

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